Hot fall days plus a quick thought on life right now

black dress

It has been 90 degrees for about a week now, still unable to embrace any fall sweaters or boots, or even pick up a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte to celebrate the coming of the new season. And yet still... I'm okay with that! I have quite a few dresses I want to wear before I pack them up for the colder months.

In other news... my blogging has definitely taken a bit of a hit these days, as to be expected as a new mom with a 2 month old to care for - as I am still learning and adjusting and finding my groove with sweet baby Jett. Just when you think you have something figured out, another curveball is thrown and you can sit there feeling back at square one again! But in this moment let it be known that life is good. I have a healthy, growing, wonderful little boy sleeping in my arms as I type this one handed in a pretty awkward position. I have a clean kitchen, a full fridge, and a clutter free coffeetable. Today's plan include a nice long walk, a quick trip to Target (this growing boy needs a new sleepsack!) and a trip to the gym later with Brandon. Life is a little slower, and thats okay. Life is good